Código Lyoko - World With My Eyes

Código Lyoko - World With My Eyes

Por: Los Subdigitales







the landscape is full with wonders john
in this dangerous universe
each time attracted by the calm
we are blinded by it's beauty

we are flying away
running away
flying away
running away
in this magnificent world

let me show you this world through my eyes
sometimes it just looks like paradise
here we never reach the skies
oh how i love'it too
see this world with my eyes

the sea extends beyond the lights
the water sparkled in my diamonds
each time attracted by the calm
we are blinded by it's beauty

we are flying away
running away
flying away
running away
in this magnificent world

let me show you this world through my eyes
sometimes it just looks like paradise
here we never reach the skies
oh how i love'it too

let me show you this world through my eyes
sometimes it just looks like paradise
here we never reach the skies
oh how i love'it too
see this world with my eyes


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Código Lyoko - Opening Latino


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