Código Lyoko - Get Away

Código Lyoko - Get Away

Por: Los Subdigitales







I live my life the way I feel,
I really don't know what is real.
I follow my path to its end,
I know I'll always find a friend.

I like to play
Whatever they say
I'll go my way, and

Get away, get away, get away now
Have some fun, have some fun, have some fun now
Get away, get away, get away now
Let's get crazy, let's get crazy, let's get crazy now

Get away, get away, get away now
Have some fun, have some fun, have some fun now
Get away, get away, get away now
Let's get crazy, let's get crazy, let's get crazy now

There's many things I have to learn
And many friends I'll need in turn
I'll find some love to comfort me
And spread to all of those in need

I wanna be
Forever free
You're no longer with me, so

Get away, get away, get away now
Have some fun, have some fun, have some fun now
Get away, get away, get away now
Let's get crazy, let's get crazy, let's get crazy now

Get away, get away, get away now
Have some fun, have some fun, have some fun now
Get away, get away, get away now
Let's get crazy, let's get crazy, let's get crazy now

Get away, get away, get away now
Have some fun, have some fun, have some fun now
Get away, get away, get away now
Let's get crazy, let's get crazy, let's get crazy now


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